German state visit to Esrange Space Center

September 9, 2021
German state visit to Esrange Space Center

Today we welcomed His Excellency President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany and HM King Carl XVI Gustaf together with HM Queen Silvia to Esrange Space Center, giving them an insight in the ongoing operations and campaigns, as well as the modernization of the base. The main guests were also accompanied by the president’s wife, Ms Elke BĂ¼denbende, the Swedish Space Minister Matilda Ernkrans and Director General Swedish National Space Agency, Anna Rathsman. The main theme for the visit to Esrange was the German-Swedish collaboration in the field of space and future collaborative advancements.

Esrange showed itself from its best side and the sun was shining as the heads of state were guided around the area. They showed great interest in all the activities that were presented. The visit started at Radar Hill where the guests got an overview of the base site, before they continued to the balloon launch pad where stratospheric balloon payloads are prepared and launched. There, scientists from the HEMERA balloon project gave a presentation about the balloon activities. As a last stop on the tour, the guests visited the two German testing facilities at Esrange – ISAR Aerospace and Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) – where the respective site managers presented their activities and future ambitions.

Both delegations expressed their satisfaction with the Esrange visit. We want to thank our partners and customers who participated during the visit and helped showing Esrange and our operations from its best side.

Top image: Front row from left: President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, his wife Elke BĂ¼denbende, HM Queen Silvia of Sweden, HM King Carl XVI of Sweden, Matilda Ernkrans, Minister for Higher Education and Research. Photo: SSC

Royal and presidential visit to Esrange

A scientist from the HEMERA project explains how scientific missions are conducted using stratospheric balloons. 

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